Monday, October 11, 2010

Creativity from Without

"Light My Fire"
Creativity can be found in any number of places. Some, like Lisa Hoke, find inspiration from the materials they use to create. Lisa Hoke's art, pictured left, uses mainly recycled materials; plastic cups dyed in colors, rubber bands, neon colored drinking straws, and so on, and assembles them together to form something new. The particular piece on the left was placed in a window, designed to be viewable from the outside of the museum while it was closed. Letting your materials inspire you is something we all do from time to time; it's what our group in Design 1 did when we were presented with the Stone Soup project.

Some, like Andy Goldsworthy, find inspiration in nature as well. Goldsworthy is known for using natural materials - often chosen when he arrives at the place he will work. His work is ephemeral, but the images created are timeless. The sculpture to the right was created using ice as a medium.

When I'm feeling creatively blocked, I like to get outside, somewhere far away from cities and traffic lights, and just . . . be. Nature inspires me, refreshes and renews me, and gives me a chance to think. Maybe that's what nature is there for - to be enjoyed, and experienced, and to give us a place to leave our mark, even as nature makes its mark on us. Carry a notebook to jot down inspiration as it finds you - or, if you're one of the lucky ones who have access to an iPhone, laptop, or similar product, signing up for a free service like Evernote can greatly increase your ability to access and organize your thoughts and inspirations.

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